Mandela Day 2019
Gather your Family and Friends and lend your time and energy to volunteer on this Mensch hosted Mandela Day! Support 12 worthy organisations, projects and individuals by taking part in a number of activities on offer! Book your activities (some free and others at a subsidised rate), and lets together create a meaningful purposeful day of action.
Location: Gardens Community Campus. 88 Hatfield Street. Time: 10am – 2pm (see specific activity times)
Scroll down to book or Click here
Programme: There are lots of different types of activities to suit different people! Some activities are happening at the same time so you will have lots to choose from. PLEASE BOOK BELOW TO ASSIST US WITH PLANNING THE DAY!
10am – 11.30am: Cook-a-thon Soup and sandwich making for 4 organisations (Succah Hall)
11am – 12pm: Change-Maker Talk: Glenn Stein Glenn has developed a language translation App for the medical industry. (Nelson Mandela Auditorium)
12pm – 1pm: Change-Maker Talk: Lauren Gillis and Nellie Mkunqwana share the journey creating Relate Bracelets. (Nelson Mandela Auditorium)
11am – 1pm: (upstairs in the PPCC Hall)
– Make a Tedi with Jedi Tedis in support of the Red Cross Children’s Hospital Pain Clinic
– Knit squares to make blankets for Buleleni Day Care Centre with Bnoth WIZO.
– Robotics workshops for kids – book your one-on-one 45min session with ORT SA Cape
1pm: Learn to Drum! Bringing us all together in one rhythm, the Drum Café will led a drumming circle workshop!
Bring Ticket and ID