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We strongly urge you to add a video showcasing your organisation if you have one. Video content is fun, informative and engaging, and gets your message across super effectively.
Images should be at least 250 pixels by 250 pixels. There is no maximum pixel size but images shouldn't be bigger than 2 megabytes in size.
If you don't have a video showcasing your organisation, you can add a fourth picture here instead! It'll only be shown if you haven't added a video above.
The definition of a ‘Mensch’ is literally a ‘good person’. A person that embodies the values of integrity and respect, and who pursues their work in a just and ethical manner. By joining the Mensch Network I agree to uphold this high standard of Menschlichkeit!
By registering I understand that I am now a member of a community of social change agents who I can ask assistance of, and in return will offer my support wherever possible, to my fellow Mensch members. I agree that Mensch members can contact me via email or telephone from time to time, and that on occasion I will be profiled by Mensch in online or print media.
Only fill in if you are not human