Where there’s a problem, there’s a solution.
One in five urban South Africans live in a shack. This means that millions of people don’t have a secure roof over their head or a safe structure to protect them from the elements and from crime. The negative physical and emotional effects are profound, but together, we can help change that.

How it works.
Project Bayit is a partnership between Ikhayalami and Mensch. Ikhayalami bring their expertise in micro-finance, design and construction of building shelters in informal communities, and Mensch brings marketing, administration and project management support. Together we’ll deal with all the finances, admin, planning, design, construction and pay the upfront costs – then you and your domestic worker, cleaner, gardener, or simply someone you care about pay back the construction cost, 100% interest-free, over time. It’s as easy as that.

1. Chat.

2. Apply.

3. Build.

4. Pay.
Big, beautiful benefits.
Fire Resistant.
Fires take 100s of lives and leave countless homeless each year. But no more. Our structures are both more fire resistant and act as a barrier to stop fire from spreading.
Weather Resistant.
Our cladding is incredibly strong with thick sheets interlocking into one another. This protects the homeowner from heat, wind, rain, and even flooding
Improved Wellness.
There are tremendous mental and physical benefits to having a safe new home with proper ventilation, protection from the elements, and security.
Increased Safety.
The strength of the cladding and the interlocking sheets makes it near impossible for people to pry open or break-in, protecting the family from crime.
A Foundational Asset.
Building such a shelter is the first rung on the wealth creation ladder through property ownership. It has a resale value that can help towards a deposit on a formal house in the future.
Meet the team.
Project Bayit is a joint initiative of Mensch and Ikhayalami, supported financially by The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation.