A Global Volunteering Opportunity

Each year, in November, over 55,000 people around the world, come together to give their time, not their money, to make a difference to the community around them. Mitzvah Day introduces people to social action –  setting up volunteering projects to address real needs.

A Global Volunteering Opportunity

Each year, in November, over 55,000 people around the world, come together to give their time, not their money, to make a difference to the community around them. Mitzvah Day introduces people to social action –  setting up volunteering projects to address real needs.


A bit of history

Since 2018 and in 7 years we have developed 96  Mitzvah Day Projects with 133 Volunteer Partners (schools, shuls,  corporates, friendship groups, families, community) and 112 Beneficiary Partners (NPOs, social projects, ECDs, shelters, those with less) building new and lasting connections that continue beyond the November Mitzvah Day Event. Mensch is Mitzvah Day UK’s partner in Southern Africa


Since 2018 and in 7 years we have developed 96  Mitzvah Day Projects with 133 Volunteer Partners (schools, shuls,  corporates, friendship groups, families, community) and 112 Beneficiary Partners (NPOs, social projects, ECDs, shelters, those with less) building new and lasting connections that continue beyond the November Mitzvah Day Event. Mensch is Mitzvah Day UK’s partner in Southern Africa


what people are saying!

My singing circle and ongoing relationship with these wonderful women started at Mitzvah Day 2019.  I now try to do something once or twice a year, be it coaching or self-care workshops. Shannon Pam  (Coach) working with Scalabrini Centre for refugees and migrants.

“What an incredible opportunity for my son Jared to add meaning to his Barmitzvah by understanding his responsibility in giving back to those less fortunate. The boys from Grass Boots had a fun day out playing the sport they love. Just a group of boys, having fun and sharing a meal together”. Melissa Zolty and the Barmy Boys with Grass Boots, 2018.

“In 2018 there was an opportunity for Chabad West Coast to share our space and facilities and for our community members and students to give of themselves and connect with the broader South African community. In 2019 we then went to the H18 ‘home’ to learn more about their work and for an end-of-year shared celebration.” Rebbetzin Zeesy Deren, Chabad and H18

“Just phenomenal, the woman loved the music, the pampering, and especially the respect they received.  The children, well, their smiles said it all. Everyone was just over the moon to see them play and dance in a safe space, and not in the streets of Joe Slovo”. Amanda Solomon, H18 Foundation – Beneficiary Partner of Chabad West Coast, 2018/19

“Very special for our community and resources to together help those in need. We really enjoyed the event and would like more opportunities to run similar projects.” Mitch Freedman, Moishe House -Project Interfaith Cook-a-Thon. 

“We felt really connected to people, food, community and our city! The farmers said they had never had so much help!” After MD2018, a Temple member sponsored a corporate volunteering gardening day in 2020. I love how Mitzvah Day brings about continuous volunteering connections. Gill Sacks, Temple Israel and Umthunzi Farming.

It started at Mitzvah Day 2018,  since then CTTH has always been there to ensure that these 50+ kids from Livesmart DWT Educare Centre in Mfuleni always have a  special end-of-year festival and holiday gift.  CCTH and Mavis’s Creche, 4th Year and going strong.