Please support Mensch Network Members raising funds & collecting donations for their beneficiaries:

 Cloth Mask Sales: H18 Foundation supports 27 refugee & SA women 

Amanda and Jill Solomon’s social enterprise provides women from Jo Slovo with skills development and employment. They are now selling masks  with the proceeds used to help support their ladies  feed their families:  ORDERS: Email: OR WhatsApp 021 555 1367

Emergency support for the homeless in Cape Town 

Organisations that are serving homeless beneficiaries have come together to raise funds to support those providing food and essential support to homeless people during lockdown.    NEED: Donate to organisations serving the homeless: CONTACT: Caryn Gootkin 084 703 0777

 SA Harvest Weekly Collections 

SA Harvest collects weekly from your home: Tin foods, breads, spreads, dairy products, fruit and veges, pasta, sugar, eggs, maize, powdered milk, toothpaste, rice, sanitary towels, soap: Follow their Facebook Posts to see when they are next in your area: For more info contact Rebecca Bryer 082 902 3033

Ikhayalami urgent shack fire relief

Andrea Bolnick’s organisation builds fire and flood retardent upgraded shacks. Last week 10 shacks in Gugulethu were destroyed. Ikhayalami is appealing for donations to rebuild for these families left with nothing in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis. NEED: Donations to Disaster Fund. Structures cost ±R18,500, any amounts are welcome. CONTACT: Andy Bolnick 082 809 7818

Ikamva Labantu’s 21 Seniors Clubs

Home-based services have been closed since 17 March. Co-Founder Helen Lieberman says the organisation is committed to providing fortnightly food and hygiene parcels to support over 1000 senior club citizens in their homes. NEED: Please donate to support. CONTACT: Barbara Miller 082 890 2555

 The Angel Network (Sandringham CAN)

Help the Sandringham CAN registered under The Angel Network and Gauteng Together Initiative who have partnered with Fingertips of Africa support the Grenville informal settlement. ANY QUESTIONS: Call Lindi 082 094 2911 or Adam 082 808 2377

Sponsor veg for disabled & elderly

For R150 you can provide a basic pack of vegetables to the disabled and elderly in Hangberg, Hout Bay. NEED: R150 = Basic veg pack for disabled and elderly in Hangberg.   CONTACT: Danielle Klaff 0727970904

Cans with Purpose’ campaign in support of Afrika Tikkun

Brad and Jared Stern from Superiate have launched a campaign to generate funds and donations to buy canned food to help curb the imminent hunger among underprivileged South African learners and their families during this crisis. NEED: Canned food, cash donations. CONTACT: Brad/Jared at

How to Virtually Volunteer

Visit, complete the online registration process. Log into your profile, go to Volunteer Now and under Select Category select Virtual Volunteering. 
Currently, there are more opportunities in Gauteng, if you know of opportunities in other provinces. EMAIL:

Match Making Platform

CoronaCare is a match-making platform, connecting concerned South Africans with organisations on the ground supporting those in need. It is when we come together with Ubuntu that we are able to provide the best possible solution to those in need during crisis. NEED: Collaborators & monetary donations

Buy a mask – Stop the Spread

Jedi Tedi’s sister brand Aqua Body are selling masks that meet the government’s non-medical user requirements. Made by seamstresses around CT locked down with no income. Masks are washable, reusable, comfortable and breathable. Available in purple, green, blue & orange. Free delivery nationwide. CONTACT: Shana Kagan 082 895 3950.  ORDER: R50 each (R10 of every sale will be donated to @coronacaresa) 

 The Counselling Hub Woodstock

The Counselling Hub has been determined to continue to serve its clients in these uncertain times. They have pivoted to tele-Counselling and plan to reach even more people than before. These necessary changes are expensive in airtime and data, but vital to help those trapped at home with anxiety and difficult circumstances.  DONATE: Monetary donations for data and airtime.

 CTTH Supports MAvis’s Educare

Cape Town Torah High has partnered with Mavis’s Educare in Mfuleni, and now during lockdown they continue to help them by running a VIRTUAL VOUCHER FOR SHOPRITE campaign. CONTACT  Sheila Valentini –, and she will send you the number of one of the teachers/mothers that you can donate food to via the virtual voucher process.

Blanket Appeal Community Clinics 

Dr Andrea Mendelsohn works at the Retreat Community Health Centre and is appealing for donations of blankets for patients now waiting in the cold for Coronavirus screening.   NEED: Donation of blankets. CONTACT: Dr Andrea Mendelsohn 073 980 6952

African Tails plea for continued and new support

African Tails will remain active dependent on finances, resources and staff capacity – which will be severely impacted by the shutdown. Please encourage all family, friends, employees and co-workers to not abandon their pets and to remain caring for them.  NEED: Animal food, cash donations and sharing their animals in need of homes, on your social media. CONTACT: Yael Fialkov / Alma Schaap 083 642 2805

Fallen Angels Pet Rescue 328 dogs

Fallen Angels Pet Rescue stands for Forgotten, Abandoned (Abused), Lost, Lonely, Emaciated and Neglected. The organisation has 7 days of food left and are almost out of financial ability to buy more. NEED: Animal food, cash donations. CONTACT: Shireen 076 993 9670

Indoni students in need of data

Indoni Dance, Arts & Leadership Academy needs data donations for 43 trainees. They like many other township-based people are disconnected from each other and Indoni. From just R150 you can donate data to a student and allow them to connect. NEED: Monetary donations – data   CONTACT: Balu Nivison 082 449 4938

 Cape Town Together 

A rapidly developing community-based response to COVID-19. Inspiring people in every community to form local Community Action Networks or CANs, to help self-organise to take action at the neighbourhood level, to educate each other, support the most vulnerable and high-risk residents, and share ideas and resources with other CANs across the city.  JOINStart or join a CAN