Mitzvah Day is a Jewish-led day of social action that brings together thousands of people, all over the world, on one day, to give their time, NOT their money, to make a difference to the local community around them.

Mitzvah Day started in the UK in 2008, now in its 12th year, Mensch is the Southern Africa partner of this global initiative,  curating, coordinating and growing Mensch Mitzvah Day!


Mensch Mitzvah Day held on Sunday 17 Nov 2019, and the weeks leading up to it, was a resounding success. 24 Unique Mitzvah Projects took place with 45 volunteer partners positively impacting 24 beneficiary organisations and NGOs. A big THANK YOU to all that made this day so wonderful!

“I always appreciate the opportunity to participate in any programme that feeds back positively into any community”.  Dr Zahid Badroodien, Mayco member

The mitzvah brought tears to my eyes and warmth to our hearts…. may we continue to be able to contribute together to repairing our world-one child , one mom, one person at a time….. well done for your work”.   Zeesy Deren, Director of The Sinai Academy

“We learned so much about being grateful for what you have, and being aware of those who need our help. We learned about giving”. Lindy Diamond, Journalist

“Mitzvah Day meant a day to inspire more to help. Some ‘newbees were really moved by the large impact their action can have”. Rabbi Schell, Bet David Morningside, JHB

“It was an opportunity to engage with seniors from within and outside of our community, in a meaningful way. It has also highlighted other opportunities to continue arranging our own mini Mitzvah Days throughout the forthcoming year as a lead up to the official day”.  Liza-Jane Saban, Board of Deputies (Cape Council)

“The people involved on the day handled everything with such care and attention. The babies that cried didn’t just get handed back to their moms, they were given what was needed to make them smile. Even the older children, had an experience they just loved”.  Amanda Solomons, H18 Foundation